Guidelines for Your Safe and Secure Journey


Understanding Your Rights and Our Responsibilities.


  1. Definition:
  • 1 The Client: Refers to the person who signs the relevant booking request and agrees to all its terms and conditions.
  • 2 The Operator: The entity responsible for the management, operation, and safety of the aircraft during the charter flight.
  • 3 The Aircraft Owner: The individual or entity that legally owns the aircraft, which is managed and operated by a separate company under a charter or management agreement.
  • 4 Civil Aviation Authority: The governmental regulatory body responsible for overseeing and enforcing safety standards, regulations, and the overall management of civil aviation within a specific country or region.
  • 5 Permissions: Landing, Overflight, Slot, and PPR permissions are authorizations required from aviation authorities or airports, allowing aircraft to land, overfly airspace, access specific time slots, or use airport facilities, ensuring regulatory compliance and operational coordination.
  • 6 The Private Aviation Company: The entity that organizes the relationship between the client and the operator, facilitating the booking process and ensuring seamless coordination for the charter flight.
  1. Changes & Cancellation Charges:
  • 1 Immediate Charges Upon Signing: 50% of the total charter price is due immediately upon signing this booking request.
  • 2 Cancellation or Schedule Changes:
    • 2.175% of the total charter price will be charged if canceled or schedule changed less than 10 days prior to the departure of the first sector.
    • 2.2100% of the total charter price will be charged if canceled or schedule changed less than 2 days prior to the departure of the first sector.
    • 2.3100% of the total charter price will be charged if the aircraft is positioned out of base.
    • 2.4100% of the total charter price will be charged if canceled or schedule changed for any sector after the first one at any time.
    • 2.5100% of the total charter price will be charged if there is a no-show at the airport.
  1. Response Times for Client Inquiries:
  • 1 Less than 24 Hours Before Departure: If the scheduled departure is less than 24 hours away, the client must respond to inquiries immediately.
  • 2 Between 24 Hours and 3 Days Before Departure: If the scheduled departure is between 24 hours and 3 days away, the client must respond within 6 hours of receiving the inquiry.
  • 3 More Than 3 Days Before Departure: If the scheduled departure is more than 3 days away, the client must respond within 15 hours of receiving the inquiry.
  • 4 Critical Inquiries and Client Responsibility:
    • 4.1The client must take into account the urgency and importance of certain inquiries or requests that are critical to the travel arrangements, where the client’s timely response is crucial. This may include sending specific documents for passengers, answering questions about private aviation lounges, or any other inquiries necessary for the flight.
    • 4.2If the client fails to respond in a timely manner, they forfeit the right to demand any obligations or services that were contingent upon their response. For example, the client cannot later request a specific private aviation lounge booking after the deadline has passed, or add an additional passenger after the time required to process permits has elapsed.
  • 5 Follow-up and Notification: The Private Aviation Company will make every effort to notify the client of the maximum response time required for each inquiry. However, the client’s failure to respond within the stipulated time frames will be considered a breach, and the cancellation policy will apply.
  • 6 Cancellation Due to Non-Response: The Private Aviation Company reserves the right to consider the trip as canceled by the client if the client ignores notifications and follow-up messages sent by The Private Aviation Company regarding the booked flight and all relevant matters. Consequently, the cancellation policy shall apply.
  1. Flight Permits:
  • 1 Submission of Flight Permits:The operator will only apply for Flight Permits with the concerned authorities once full payment is transferred to The Private Aviation Company.
  • 2 Delay in Permits Due to Late Payment:
    • 2.1If there is a delay in obtaining permits due to a delay in the payment transfer, the client must accept the new timings set by the operator based on the availability of permits. If the client does not accept the new timings and wishes to cancel, cancellation charges will apply. Additionally, extra fees may be imposed if this delay results in a change in the current position of the aircraft or any additional expenses incurred by the operator due to the delay.
  • 3 Delay in Permits Due to Civil Aviation Authority Closures:
    • 3.1If the delay in obtaining permits is due to the closure of civil aviation offices, such as during holidays or weekends, and permits cannot be obtained, this circumstance is considered beyond the operator’s control. The client must agree to the new timings. If the client refuses to accept the new timings, cancellation charges will apply. The client may consult with the operator, and the situation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • 4 Assignment of Departure or Landing Times by Civil Aviation:
    • 4.1If the civil aviation authority assigns specific departure or landing times at any station, the client must accept these timings. If the client refuses, cancellation charges may apply.


  1. Payment Terms:
  • 1The charter payment must be made in full to The Private Aviation Company within two hours of signing this booking request. If not, The Private Aviation Company may deem this agreement canceled, and the cancellation policy will apply.
  1. Third-Party Claims:
  • 1Only the person who signs this booking request has the right to claim any of its terms. None of the passengers have any right to claim rights or commitments by this booking request. The Private Aviation Company reserves the right to decline any third-party claims, lawsuits, or interference in any disputes arising from this booking request or its terms and conditions. Third parties may include the main passenger, passengers, their representatives, employees, or any other person not involved in signing or negotiating this agreement.
  1. Payment Methods:
  • 1The client may pay for this charter using their own bank account or credit cards or by any other means they deem suitable, including third-party accounts. If a third party pays on behalf of the client, they must sign an endorsement letter accepting and acknowledging the reason for the payment. The third party then forfeits any right to claim any payment, cashback, or refund.
  1. General Terms:
  • 1 Schedule Changes:Any changes by the client to the confirmed flight schedule or itinerary, such as times, dates, or destinations, are considered cancellations unless otherwise stated by The Private Aviation Company. If the schedule is changed by the operator due to operational reasons, particularly in cases where flights are confirmed on short notice and arranging all details within the specified time frame is challenging, the client must accept the change. The Private Aviation Company will make every effort to minimize the likelihood of any operational changes by the operator. Refusal by the client to accept such changes may result in the application of cancellation charges.
  • 2 Additional Charges:All prices exclude charges for itinerary changes, aircraft de-icing, fuel surcharges, war risk insurance, additional crew proceedings, extra landings, re-routes, demurrage, extra flight hours, additional or special catering, VIP lounges, VIP ground transportation, smoking fees, Wi-Fi, in-flight telephone use, ground transportation, and royalties (if applicable). The client must pay these charges immediately upon receipt of the invoice.
  • 3 Delayed Arrival:The client agrees that passengers must be present at the airport at least 30 minutes before departure. For any delay beyond the agreed departure time, a fine of $1,000 per hour (or part of an hour) will be applied.
  • 4 Operational Changes:The Private Aviation Company reserves the right to change the aircraft type at any time if the agreed aircraft becomes unavailable or if circumstances necessitate such a change. The Private Aviation Company will strive to ensure that any substitution meets the client’s needs and preferences as closely as possible. The client is expected to accept these changes, and refusal may lead to the application of cancellation charges.
  1. Operational Conditions & Responsibilities:
  • 1 Entry and Exit Requirements:The client agrees that all passengers are eligible to depart from the origin airports and enter the destination airports. The client is responsible for ensuring that all passengers are aware of and comply with exit and entry requirements, holding valid documents such as passports, visas, ID cards, residency permits, vaccination certificates, and negative disease tests (e.g., COVID-19) where required. The Private Aviation Company and the operator assume no responsibility for compliance with these requirements, and any costs arising from failure to meet them shall be borne by the client and the passengers.
  • 2 Force Majeure:In the event of force majeure, including but not limited to war, civil unrest, strikes, quarantine, or adverse weather conditions, The Private Aviation Company and the operator reserve the right to suspend, redirect, or cancel the flight without further liability to the client.
  • 3 Aircraft and Schedule Changes:The Private Aviation Company and the operator may change the aircraft, route, flight schedule, departure dates, departure times, seating capacity, luggage amount, and maximum takeoff weight due to operational circumstances and for safety reasons. The client must accept these changes; refusal to do so may result in the application of cancellation charges. If any additional charges arise as a result of these changes, the client must pay these charges upon receipt of the invoice from The Private Aviation Company for the changes to take effect.
  1. Baggage and Luggage Responsibility:
  • 1 Liability for Baggage and Luggage:The client agrees that any damage to or loss of baggage and luggage is the responsibility of the operator or the ground handling services and not The Private Aviation Company. The Private Aviation Company shall not be held liable for any claims related to damaged or lost luggage during the course of the flight. The client is responsible for ensuring that all luggage is appropriately packed and meets the required regulations for air travel. In the event of any damage or loss, the client must address the claim directly with the operator or ground handling service provider. The Private Aviation Company will assist in facilitating communication but is not liable for any compensation or reimbursement.
  • 2 Passenger Conduct and Responsibility:
    • 2.1 Respect and Compliance:The client agrees that it is their responsibility to ensure that all passengers respect the aircraft, its crew, and adhere to all instructions provided by the crew, particularly those related to safety. Passengers are expected to cooperate fully with the crew to ensure a safe and pleasant flight experience.
    • 2.2 Maintenance of Aircraft Interior:Passengers are responsible for maintaining the condition of the aircraft’s interior, including the furnishings, seats, carpets, and onboard equipment. In the event that any passenger causes damage to the cabin, seats, carpets, or any equipment onboard, the client agrees that they will be held responsible for compensating the operator for the cost of repairs or replacements.
    • 2.3 Payment of Damages:The client must pay the invoice related to any damages caused by the passengers immediately upon receipt from The Private Aviation Company. Failure to settle such invoices promptly may result in additional charges or legal action to recover the costs incurred by the operator.
  1. Limitation of Liability:
  • 1 Operational Performance:
    • 1.1The Private Aviation Company acts solely as a coordinator and is not responsible for the performance, safety, or operational capabilities of the flight. All liability related to flight performance, aircraft capabilities, airworthiness, and adherence to regulatory standards rests entirely with the operator. The client agrees to hold The Private Aviation Company harmless against any claims brought by the operator due to any act or omission by the client or any passengers. This includes, but is not limited to, delays, operational changes, or any other issues arising from the flight.
  • 2 Medical Evacuation Charters:
    • 2.1In the case of medical evacuation charters, the client agrees that The Private Aviation Company shall not be held liable for any incidents during embarkation, disembarkation, or in-flight, including accidents involving patients or their escorts. The responsibility for the medical fitness of the patient to travel lies entirely with the client, the patient, their family or guardians, and the flight crew. Any health complications or incidents that occur during the flight are not the responsibility of The Private Aviation Company.
  • 3 Responsibility for Passenger Health:
    • 3.1The health and fitness of passengers, including any ill passengers, are the sole responsibility of the passengers themselves, their guardians or family members, and the pilot in command. The Private Aviation Company is not responsible for assessing or ensuring the medical condition or travel fitness of any passenger. In the event of any health-related complications or specific incidents occurring during the flight, The Private Aviation Company bears no liability.
  • 4 Exclusion of Liability for Schedule Changes and Cancellations:
    • 4.1The client acknowledges that due to the nature of aviation, including air traffic, weather conditions, and operational circumstances, flight schedules may change or flights may be canceled. The Private Aviation Company shall not be held liable for any lost opportunities, missed connections, or other claims arising from schedule changes, delays, or cancellations. The client agrees that they cannot hold The Private Aviation Company responsible for any perceived loss of opportunity or any similar claims.
  • 5 Liability for Aviation Operations:
    • 5.1All responsibility related to aviation operations, including but not limited to flight safety, air traffic control, operational decisions, and regulatory compliance, lies exclusively with the operator. The Private Aviation Company’s role is limited to coordinating the flight on behalf of the client. The client acknowledges that The Private Aviation Company does not bear any responsibility for the operation of the flight and agrees not to pursue any claims related to flight operations against The Private Aviation Company.
  • 6 Waiver of Claims Post 15 Days:
    • 6.1The client agrees to waive the right to bring any claims or disputes against The Private Aviation Company arising from this flight after a period of 15 days has passed from the date of the flight’s completion, termination, or cancellation. Any claims must be made within this 15-day window; thereafter, The Private Aviation Company shall be fully released from any and all liabilities or responsibilities related to the flight, the agreement, or its cancellation.
  1. Governing Law:
  • 1 Jurisdiction: This booking request and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with it shall be governed by the jurisdiction of Saudi Arabia


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